Our network of locations is constantly updated with new data centers. And we hasten to inform You about the launch of two locations at once: Switzerland / Geneva USA / Miami Location in Switzerland has an excellent territorial location, or…

Very soon the New Year and by tradition we want to present you a festive promo, which will allow you to buy our VDS at a discount of -50%, and dedicated servers based on Intel Xeon E3 processors for $…
For many, the installation of OpenVPN is a very complex process, the generation of certificates, keys, etc. causes difficulties. In this article I want to introduce you to a script that literally 5 minutes or a few clicks allows you…

We’ve been waiting for her for a year! “Black Friday” starts from November 25 to December 1, 2019. What have we prepared this year?! It’s simple! – 40% on all VDS rates in 9 locations. The discount is valid for…
From today in all locations when ordering VDS/VPS servers, a new version of CentOS 8 is available. Its advantages can be found in our blog.
Recently, the world saw the release of the new CentOS 8 which received many interesting innovations, such as: the two main repositories are baseos and appstream. The first is designed for basic use on servers, nodes, vps/vds, etc. the Second…
We are happy to announce the launch of a new 5 locations in Europe. It is located in Poland / Gdansk. This location is remarkable in that it has excellent connectivity with the countries of the European Union and the…
We are pleased to announce that we have added the ability to pay for services using Yandex.Money, as well as cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash.
Today, for all customers with at least one active service, we have launched the DNS hosting service. The service is provided free of charge and allows you to host and manage your domains on the basis of our NS servers.
At the moment the project is under testing. If you find a bug or encounter a problem, please let us know at support@wolfisp.com and get a nice bonus in the form of discounts on our services. The estimated launch date…